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The RiverBank

This is the next level after the bedroom. After crossing the threshold and taking the leap of faith, the player now is in an outdoor scene. At a riverbank, that at first looks like a heaven like place, the player gets familiar with the UI and the basic gameplay mechanism. The Good and the Evil, the positive and the negative. As dualism states, there are two sides in every story. In life we need to keep good and bad experiences in balance.

In gaming terms, I took that simple opinion and translate it into my gameplay mechanism. The balance bar. The little girl, running away from her house safety, now has to deal with extreme conditions. Floating from one edge to the other, being in exiting places and in opposition, in dark others, she is in need of keeping her feelings in balance.

The mechanism of the videogame is a bar. The player has to keep the content of this bar, in the middle. Equilibrium is a state of feeling that one has when being in balance. It is actually the way that our own body informs us that we are about to fall. The player struggles to keep the "feeling meter" in the middle.

So I am attaching here some screenshots from this level and a link to an .exe file that I made, and I keep improving.

For Exit press Alt F4. Thank you.


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