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Amusement Rides

In order to the Second room be designed, a research on amusement rides was necessary to occur.

First of all, it is needed to say that the role of thematic parks was at first, to demonstrate the city's economy. It was a way to exhibit all the technological and industrial developments an economy had to offer. " The amusement park condenses the city and the pleasures of Technology into the play-ground" (Toward a ludic architecture)

Secondly the link between the designing proccess oh such places and architecture was noticed. "Disneyland was a synthesis of architecture and story" (Space Time Play, pg. 200), It seems that architecture was a basic intermediaries between narative and space, as "city's themselves also have a rich emergent folk narrative" (Space Time Play, 401). "Narrative space is not new, nor is it an observation at 20th century capitalism and commersialism. In fact architecture has functioned as a narrative medium for millenia (Space Time Play 200)

I searched on rides of famous amusement parks such as, Tivoli Gardens Copenhagen, The Prater, Vienna Riesenrad Ferris wheel, The thrid Man, Europark Germany,Gorky Park Moscow, Jaya Ancol Dreamland Jakarta, Blackpool pleasure beach, Tivoli Park Rio, and as an outcome, I categorised the rides, by the type of movement, and the individual's experience.

"In the guise of entertainment rides and pleasures, the Coney Island pleasure zones and zone visitors together conducted mass experiments in, for example, velocity, automation, horisontal and vertical (elevator) transportation, electrification and vertical building and experiencing. Experimentation also included simulation." (Toward a ludic architecture).

The carousel, the Flat Ride

The Flat Rides, are those that move in plane parallel with the ground, such as the carousel, the bumper cars.

Τhe Vertical Rides, are those that move vertical to the ground, such as the drop tower games,

The Gravity Rides, is a combination of flat and vertical and include gravital simulations. Roller coasters, train rides, the Enterprise, the pendulum rides.

Amusement Park Rides

Roller Coasters

Can fit around the perimeter of a park. They go over the top of other rides and attractions. Twists, Dips,

The Dark Rides, that are trails in limited lighted places.

Carriages in the dark, take rides inside a building and is designed to scare visitors, or to tell a story, (Amusement Parks)

The Water Rides, trails that occur οn planes that float or move, on water surface.

The Simulation Rooms, that are places that simulate environments and physical conditions in order to the individual experience an immersive situation.

"Amusement parks are controlled environments that entertain visitors through the simulation of space, place, and experience."

The amusement Park is presented as a safe environment wherein dangerous activities take place. The desire for control of the visitors movements, lead to the use of simulating places in amusement parks. (Encyclopedia of 20th century architecture, Amusement Park)

What are the particularities of designing a Disney space?

.... When the designers thought about what they wanted these to be like, they didn't think about what they wanted them to look like, they thought about what the experience should be like. (Space Time Play 401)

Bibliography: Space Time Play, Towards a Ludic Architecture, Diane Irving Amusement Parks, Scott A Lucas Theme Park, Encyclopedia of 20th century architecture, Amusement Park, Stephen Sennott

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